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Miller Bentley, Director1 min read

It's time for a financial review

Each year, at least once per year, a thorough checkup can help extend the life and keep any machine, person, or plan – just about anything – performing efficiently for a much longer period than not undergoing annual maintenance.

I was taught that annual visits to the doctor could boost physical health, checking the performance of an air conditioning unit once per year can increase the efficiency of the system, servicing a lawnmower before each mowing season can maintain a precise cut – the list goes on. The same can be said for an annual financial wellness check-in, increasing the chances of wealth security through every stage of life. While some enjoy an “end of year” review, wealth checkups can be effectively performed at any point during the year, so long as it is at least once per year. Furthermore, unless one is an expert in these fields, it is typically best to consult with a professional in order to shift the burden of responsibility to someone trained for the specific task. In short, to mitigate oversight or risk of failure when performing an annual review, one must have the necessary level of will, skill, and time.

Below is a topical list of items we encourage addressing at least annually to ensure the health of your wealth is in optimized condition for providing ongoing financial security.


Financial Plan

  • Short-, intermediate-, and long-term goals
  • Assess comfort level with the plan of action
  • Update any/all assumptions to current data
  • Upcoming planned expenses
  • Potential tax-loss harvesting opportunities
  • Insurance coverage audit
  • Charitable giving strategies
  • Planned distributions (i.e., Required Minimum Distributions)


Investment Plan

  • Assess comfort level in the current portfolio
  • Review prior performance compared to an appropriate benchmark
  • Understand current events and correlation to portfolio positioning
  • Indicate objectives and purpose for each account and asset
  • Confirm the chosen risk level is in line with the desired risk level 


Other Pertinent Topics

  • Beneficiary designation
  • Fiscal and monetary policy overview
  • Future tax planning


Are you in need of a financial check up? Find out how we can help you here.


Miller Bentley, Director

Miller joined LGT Financial Advisors from Fidelity Investments, and brings with him vast industry experience and knowledge in client management and financial planning. On a daily basis Miller consults with business owners to design and implement qualified retirement plans for companies, as well as advises individual employees on the various suitable investment options. That expertise carries over to individual investors where he is the investment management specialist, and regularly guides high net worth clients through comprehensive financial planning. Furthermore, Miller facilitates thorough education and advising on Social Security. Miller is a 2015 graduate of the University of Arkansas, holds a Series 7 License (General Securities), Series 63 License (Uniform Securities Agent, state), and Series 65 License (Uniform Investment Advisor) from the Financial Industry Regulation Authority (FINRA). In addition, he is a National Social Security Advisor certificate holder, and a Texas Insurance agent.